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Lockdown Dreamscape Poster_04_small.jpg

Lockdown Dreamscape

2022 // short film, vr-film, fulldome film

7min., 3D-animation


Premiere: Ann Arbor Film Festival 2022


When spending a lot of time at home in isolation, the walls begin to move. The sense of time fades, the days pass quietly, everything seems to repeat itself endlessly. Spaces, conversations, visual impressions and sounds merge and make everything seem like a long dream.


Awards and Festivals:


Prädikat "Besonders Wertvoll" 2023



Filmfest Dresden - National Competition

Max Ophüls Preis - Short List programme

Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg - Poetry In Motion

Cosmic Rays Filmfest - Official Selection

Athens International Film and Video Festival - Official Selection

Anifilm Liberec Festival - International Competition




Festival du nouveau cinema Montreal - Les Nouveaux Alchimistes Competition

Ann Arbor Film Festival - International Competition

ITFS International Festival of Animated Film Stuttgart - International Competition

VideoEX Zürich - International Competition

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